


Story Fun 故事情境引發孩子的學習興趣


Start with an interesting story to stimulate Kid’s learning motivation.

Word Fun 學習本課新單字,建立說句型的能力與問問句的能力



Learn new words and build sentences with a fun theme.


Excellent songs for kids to practice the language while moving around.


Fun stickers for kids to play and reinforce the target language.

Everyday Talk 學習常用的生活美語與校園美語,讓美語生活化並當個有禮貌的寶貝 

Children will learn about values and responsibilities through useful daily conversations. They will learn to use polite language, share with one another, work together, and help each other.


Everyday Talk Chant 首創讓孩子透過念謠把生活美語念的朗朗上口

Chant is the most enjoyable way for children to internalize English structure and intonation. Children will be chanting as well as moving which is great way to include those auditory and kinesthetic learners.

Games 孩子最愛的就是遊戲,運用吸引孩子的大圖遊戲頁,讓孩子在遊戲中不知不覺說美語

Games are a favorite for children. They will be pasting stickers, playing through mazes and board games, all the while speaking and learning English. The game page is also an excellent way to show parents what they’ve learned.

For Children 給孩子完整的配備用書

For Teachers 給教師完整的教學資源